The Cats Have Their Own Week
Nov 07, 2023
This is National Cat Week. A week or so back, they had a day to themselves, and now an entire week! My oh my, there will be some big heads around our house.
National Cat Week (I found out, doing research) has been in existence since 1946. Hmm, a World War ends, and just like that, we’re celebrating cats for a week!
Sounds like a good deal to me - but then we know I’m all about the Kiki’s. I haven’t gone so far as to get myself a cat-themed sweatshirt, but I did give my mom one once. She wore it a lot - or at least whenever I would come home to visit.
My mom’s sweatshirt was purple, but it was essentially this design
So you cat lovers, what are you going to do for your cats during their week? At our house, it’s a little like Christmas/Hannukah - we recognize the holiday, we sometimes even put up all of our Star Trek ornaments, but celebration is mostly non-existent, except to watch “Love Actually.”
Maybe we can find some good cat-themed movies to enjoy with our feline friends - like “That Darn Cat” (we do have a copy of this on DVD), which is about a very smart Siamese. Or maybe that movie with Tom Hanks and a cat - “A Man Called Otto”. Has anyone seen that? I haven’t yet.
My cat Isis who looked a LOT like D.C. from That Darn Cat
The dogs, of course, are rolling their eyes because life in general at our house is all about them. They’re going “It figures, the cats are going to dominate the conversation for an entire week. We’re going to have to make sure we spend more time looking soulful and inserting ourselves on the couch so we don’t get ignored.” As if. Our dogs are among the most pampered in the world, I’m pretty sure, even if they don’t get brushed much. (They’re FARM dogs; farm dogs don’t get brushed, they run through the brush and self-groom.)
Amy and Bernadette being adorable farm dogs
Enjoy your cats. They may look inscrutable, but they love you deeply, and want only the best for you. Happy National Cat WEEK!
Oh, P.S. - in celebration of National Cat Week, here is a photo of me as Lynkx and Glenn as a monkey (although some people thought he was a mouse - that might have been funnier). We wore these costumes in the front row of the Eddie Izzard concert in downtown Denver. Had dinner out, too. It was fun.
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