Save the Wildlife

activism Jun 25, 2024

Time is growing short for Colorado Mountain Lions, Lynkx and Bobcat. If you haven’t yet signed the petition to place a measure on this November’s ballot to make trophy hunting of Mountain Lions, illegal, please do so! You’ve got until May 30. Here’s a link to a website for more info:

Volunteers are all over the state gathering signatures. Most people I’ve talked to didn’t even know it was still legal to trophy hunt Mountain Lions here in Colorado. People go out with dogs and GPS systems, tree the lion (who was minding its own business just living its life, not wanting anything to do with humans) and shoot it. Seems grossly unfair to me.

The lions that are being shot are getting younger and younger, and many are female. This doesn’t bode well for the Mountain Lion population. These majestic apex predators are vital to the well-being of our ecosystem. They cull out the old and infirm prey animals, and help the herds stay healthy. They’re like a house cat (only with really big claws) - they startle easily, they stay away from things that aren’t good for them (like humans), and they have a sense of humor. Have you seen the video of the Mountain Lion playing in a box? Yep, they love boxes too.

I will be at Cherry Creek Dog Park Tuesday morning, July 26, so if you are out there exercising your dog, look for me. I’ll be the one wearing the Cats Aren’t Trophies t-shirt and wearing a really cool hat given to me by one of the other volunteers. I Looooooove the hat!


Be nice to all of our wildlife, not just these guys. They have so much to teach us, if we would only look, listen, and take it in. We can all live in peace together on this planet.




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