Dec 24, 2024
It's Christmas Eve.
That has nothing to do with Ravens. But I wish you the best during this Holiday Season!
Now, Ravens.
They are one of my power animals. (The other is Cougar or Mountain Lion, depending where you live.) According to spirit-animals.com, my favorite place to go find out about animal symbolism, seeing or interacting with a Raven can mean one of many things:
"In general, Raven symbolism can often be difficult to discern. However, there are always subtle clues available to you. If Raven announces its presence in a loud and raucous way, he is acting as a messenger. In this case, you must speak up and express yourself. This spirit animal could also be letting you know that you are not listening to the information and guidance that is forthcoming from your guardians. In other words, make sure you listen carefully and if you must, speak up for yourself!
Something special is about to happen. Use gratitude to speed its process.
Also, the Raven totem is the keeper of synchronicity. He is a master of bending and folding time and space. Therefore, you are precisely at the right moment at the right time. When you see this corvid on the lamp posts and buildings watching you, know that all things are falling into place for you. Hence, make sure you pay close attention to the people you meet for the next few hours. The Raven symbolism may be there to help you on your journey, provide insight, knowledge, and guidance. There is also an element of reflection with Raven’s meaning. Consequently, this bird is reminding you that the people around you are reflecting at you the things you most have to learn about yourself.
Furthermore, like the Cow, whenever Raven’s meaning appears in your life, fantastic magic is imminent. The Raven symbolism also brings messages of transition, change, and healing because of its ability to cast light into the darkness. When this happens, make sure that you are well-grounded and have faith in your journey. This birds’ magic will guide you through." From spirit-animals.com
I saw this Raven a few days ago as I was going into my favorite coffee shop.
My Raven
It was HUGE, at least two feet from beak to tail. It flew right past me and landed a few feet away. Of course I had to stop and tell it how gorgeous it was, and take a couple of pictures. At first, he turned his head away, but then posed for me. He was fearless. I've never seen a Raven quite that up close and personal before, so he was speaking to me for sure. I'm going to call it "he" because he was so big, and female Ravens can be a little smaller. The boys and girls look alike, both with glossy black feathers and a penetrating gaze. Magnificent.
Since it wasn't making a racket, I guess I was listening well enough. It felt as though Raven was telling me that magic abounds and to be ready for anything in 2025.
I wish that for you, too. A year filled with Magic and delight, and all that your heart desires.
This is our last Harmony's Heart Animals blog for 2024. I'll start up again on January 7, and you can find us on Substack, too. Look for Harmony's Heart.
Stay tuned for an announcement in January about a new offering from Harmony's Heart Animals. I'm so grateful we're on this journey together!
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