Pigeons and Playtime

animal wisdom bodymindspirit enlightened squirrel holistic alternatives Sep 24, 2024
People coloring

First things first: The pigeons will get a new roost in the spring. For the winter, they can hang out in the barn. Our coaching season is almost done (it gets C-C-C-cold in the barn in the winter), so they won’t be bothering anybody. Yay, pigeons!

This past weekend Glenn and I were at the Body Mind Spirit Celebration (BMSC) in Denver. We had a booth. We didn’t sell anything, unless you count calmness. Beyond price, that - the Enlightened Squirrel, which is the Art Healing arm of our business, had a forest, coloring, a place to sit and chill. A lot of people took us up on it, and all it cost them was a little time for themselves.

Done by a teacher. I want to be in HER classes!

Something we DIDN’T know, until we saw the program, is that in the list of vendors the BMSC people had used the catch line I used for when I had a reader booth - you know, talking with animals. So the catch line under our name and booth number was “Animal and Dead People Communicator.” Not exactly what we were offering in our booth, but some folks looked us up because of it.

I couldn’t do readings in the booth - against the rules, and being the first born child in my family of origin, I tend to follow the rules. However, enough people asked and put their name on a list for getting this blog and other stuff from Harmony’s Heart Animals, that I decided I’ll do one of my virtual spiritual events this fall. Everyone’s invited. Fun times!

People are so creative!

It will be in late October, and sessions will be 20 minutes for $30, exactly what I would have been doing at the BMSC had I not been a rule follower (but then we wouldn’t be invited back for the Spring BMSC - sometimes following the rules is good).

Keep your eyeballs on your email inbox because I’ll be sending the deets out in the next couple of days.

P.S. - our dogs and cats were very happy to see us, even though we were only gone for three days and two nights. Usually the cats are pretty grumpy, but I guess we weren’t gone long enough for them to stoke up enough grump to show.

Maybe it was the treats that made them happy to see us….

We were happy to see them too. 


Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!

Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?

Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.

(AND you’ll receive my sparkly weekly blog posts right in your mailbox!)

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