Not Comin’ Back
Mar 05, 2024
As I’ve talked about ad nauseum, I believe in reincarnation. I’ve seen too many things since I started down the path of understanding and talking to our animal friends that tell me it’s definitely a possibility. It’s always a treat when an animal wants to come back and spend more time with me.
One being in particular came back on many occasions, and has been my greatest teacher and muse - and that’s Harvey/AC/Isis/LiLi. The being has spanned 40 years of my life, and maybe more - in my 20’s is when I first started listening and being willing to learn more about the world around me, and who knows if this being was in my life before that? (Actually, I’ve gotten hits that this particular being was probably a pony named Timmy, and a cat named Red, and probably some others in between. Probably a dog named Duchess, too.)
But what if they don’t want to come back?
Last year we lost two cats - Lynkx and Torbie. We went from five to three cats. It’s practically a cat-free zone around here, but I must admit, counting noses is a little easier now.
Lynkx liked watching TV with us.
When Lynkx left, he was quite clear that if we would have him, he’d come back. Glenn and I were thrilled. He’s been with us in one body or another pretty much our entire marriage, and he’s a very special being. His buddy Jackson (who has been his brother in other incarnations) really missed him, and we decided that even though we thought we might have fewer animals through attrition, if he wanted to come back? YAY!!!
Torbie always had a sense of humor. Put a stamp on her, send her out.
Then Torbie left, and she also surprised us by saying almost immediately that she wanted back in, too. Double YAY!!!
In my experience, a being returning can be anywhere from six months to two years. They rest, they learn what went right and what went wrong, they develop a plan, and then they return. On some level we’re privy to the role we’ll play in their life, and how they are going to help us (and us them in return), but it’s not a conscious thing (drat). Free will and all.
Most of the animals that have been with us since we’ve married have come back in the shorter timeframe, about six months. However, it’s beginning to feel like these two won’t be back any time soon. I’ve had no hits that I need to start looking for cats. When I consulted further, I got the message that it won’t be in the next year. We are going to be a three-cat family for a while.
In a way, it’s kind of nice to have the breathing room. Like I said, nose counts are easier. We could probably eliminate a litter box or two (but what fun is that?) And we’re certainly not powering through the Tiki Cat like we had been with five.
Jackson and Ry. Ry actually looks content.
Not only that, Jackson and Ry are developing a relationship. Jackson is a cuddler (with cats, not with humans). He and Lynkx, having been brothers in other lives, were especially close, and when Lynkx left, Jackson was a loose ends for a long time. Now he comes on the bed and cuddles a little with us, but he has really been grooving with Ry, much to Ry’s disgust. EXCEPT…. Ry is learning how to be a “big brother” to Jackson, and has even allowed him close access on occasion. There’s still hissing, but it’s more of token hiss than a real “get away from me” like it was before. Part of Lynkx’s departure and return plan could very well be to help Ry let go of his standoffishness and learn to give. I don’t know - it’s not my life.
For me, the lesson is one of acceptance and patience. I love having lots of cats. I would be the crazy cat lady if it weren’t for my husband, I’m certain of it. So to have Lynkx and Torbie decide they are going to wait a while is a good lesson for me. It’s what THEY want that counts. And if they ultimately decide the lesson is learned and they have no particular reason for returning, then I’ll be good with that too. I know I can always talk to them if I need to, and I’m pretty sure someone cruised by in my office earlier this evening - I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked, of course nothing (or no one) was there.
We are constantly learning from these precious beings. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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