My Animal is My Therapist
Apr 30, 2024
April 30 is National Therapy Animal Day. It’s also the day a dear departed friend was born. So let’s celebrate both. (Happy birthday in the ether, Ira!)
There are lots of animals out there that are classified as “Therapy” animals. Most of the ones we see are dogs, but honestly, it can be any being. Birds. Snakes (sounds “ugh” to some of us, but our serpent friends are quite interesting, if you take the time to know them). Bunnies. Gerbils.
“I will protect you.” Photo by David Kanigan
Animals learn how to “alert” when someone is ill and something is coming on that could be beyond the human’s control. A drop in insulin in someone with diabetes, to knowing when someone who is epileptic is going to have a seizure, will have the animal indicating that something is amiss. I don’t know how they do it, except they can feel the difference in the energy.
They’re good at sniffing out cancer, too, how incredible is that?
Cats are amazing at holding space for humans. They are very subtle about it, and sometimes we don’t notice. I experienced a cat who took on the pain of her person and made herself sick (not what we want) until the person passed away. Once that happened, the cat immediately started getting better. No one knew what she was doing, since she was quite old (20!); everyone thought she was just an ancient, sick cat. When she started getting better at the passing of her person, we were astounded at the resilience of this tiny being, and her level of sacrifice to help Joy stay in the world as long as possible. Venus-the-cat went home with Joy’s daughter, and I know was loved and revered until she, herself, passed away and met Joy on the other side of the veil.
Horses have been instrumental in therapy for ages, even when it’s not called therapy. How many people survived their teenage years because they had a horse to talk to, to cry into its mane, to hang with and unload all the pain and misery that seems to follow humans around?
How many adults?
We have five horses, and every one of them is a beautiful example of a giving, caring being. When we are honest and vulnerable, they’re right there with a shoulder to lean on. When we go in being dishonest with ourselves, they can feel it and let us know in no uncertain terms that Things. Must. Change. They love congruence. Congrue yourself into a relationship with a horse and you’ll never regret it. (Our horses love helping people, and you can meet them through Harmony’s Heart Coaching. We make sure they don’t carry “stuff” around with them, so no “sick cats” here!)
“We are here for you.”
We should celebrate the relationship our animals create with us at all times, but especially on April 30, let’s give them an extra treat and really appreciate what they do for us.
Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!
Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?
Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.
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