Kitty Has A Name

adopt black cats cat cat wisdom Oct 22, 2024
Black and white cat

Over the weekend, I facilitated our monthly Animal Communication Graduate gathering.

You can only come if you do all three modules of my Animal Communication program - so you should do the program, because - FUN!.

The regulars were there, and we practice what we do - animal communication. This group of people just gets better and better (yes, practice does make improvement).

Neo - from the wildlife cam, so it’s pretty grainy

We talked with mostly cats this month, but we’ve talked with all kinds of stuff - a snake (very slithery), horses, cats, dogs. No sugar gliders. Sometimes we talk with a wild one.

Speaking of wild ones, one of the beings we talked with is the black cat who visits our barn. Remember him from a couple weeks ago? He’s got a name now!

Neo exits the feeder (aka human trap - it’s set right now so it doesn’t spring)

We didn’t start out talking with him. After a couple of others, we talked with Ry (the host of this blog). He’s been spending a LOT of time out the front door. A LOT. More than ever before. I wondered why.

Somewhere in the annals of the blogs there’s a story about a feral cat named Harry Potter and how he split his soul so he could be a domestic cat. Ry is the result of that split, and believe me, he is the epitome of “love me, hug me, tell me I’m wonderful. And pet me again.” Those were things Harry Potter just couldn’t handle, even though he wanted it, bad.

Sooooo - I wondered, with all this wanting to go outside, if Harry Potter had left his body and had reintegrated into Ry’s body. 

Why didn’t I ask him myself, you ask? Because Ry is my cat, and my filters were working overtime with this one. Plus it’s always fun to pose a sticky question to the grads - it helps them get better, and better, and better at talking with animals.

So we asked. Nope, came the response, and the majority of the people on the call got that. I stayed out of it. Bottom line - our little friend in the barn is the reincarnation of HarryPotter. I love it! He made it easy. He looks and feels like another cat we used to have, Morpheus. I fell in love with him almost immediately, just like I did with Harry Potter. All sorts of clues (which I, being too close to the situation, didn’t really put together. I’ll own that.)


I showed the group the photo that’s above of HarryPotter. Jennifer exclaimed “that’s the cat I saw when you started talking about the cat in the barn!” So even though she knew the cat in the barn is all black, in her mind’s eye she saw the white markings. I love it when that kind of stuff happens!

Anyway, the group asked him what he wanted to be called. He decided to continue the barn cat “Matrix” names (we had Morpheus. We had Lynk*x*). So he’s Neo - and when he’s naughty, we get to call him Mr Anderson.

Now we capture him (we got a humane trap from our neighbor), and it’s off to the vet for the old snip-snip. It should be happening on the same day as you’re reading this. Envision a good outcome for him! 

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