I Do This And My Cat Loves It

activities with dogs cat horses Jun 20, 2023
Cat at door

Let’s face it. Humans (at least the ones I know) are ga-ga for their animals. I will put myself in that category. There are a few things I do that others might think were cringe worthy.

Like not even killing a gnat. This is hard, because they’re very small and sometimes their fragile little bodies don’t survive the rescue from the bathroom sink. It’s about the only time I feel super strong. Yeah, when I’m killing a gnat with my kindness.

An array of Army Cutworm moths, aka “Miller”

We’ve had a fair number of Miller moths (actually an Army Cutworm) this year (Spring is fondly called “Miller Time” here on the front range of Colorado, and it has nothing to do with beer), so I’ve escorted a good number of those out the door too. There they are, laying on the floor by the slider downstairs looking all dead, and then one of them will feebly flap its wings in an attempt to, once again, fly through glass. So I open the slider and gently floof (I’m sure that’s a word) them out. The bodies of their fallen compadres are disposed of in the kitty litter bucket.

Speaking of opening the door….how many times have I opened and closed the door for one of our five cats in the last 24 hours? All of them are allowed outside during daylight hours when we’re home. It’s not enough that they have a catio, which is perfectly good (although a bit short on foliage). We Must Go Out The Front Door. And it’s seldom at the same time. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Sigh. It’s a good thing I work from home. 


Not our dog.

I will admit my good will does not extend to Puppachino’s at Starbucks. The dogs are all in. They love it when we go through the drive through because they get ooh’d and ahh’d and offered whipped cream in a cup. Two of our three are Aussie crosses. They do not need extra sugar to be lively. And we can hardly let Niko have one if the girls don’t get any, so it’s a “no” all around. Such sad faces! But wait! We have treats at home!

We have at least four different kinds of treats for our dogs in the pantry. Who knows what they’ll want? (Besides a puppachino?) Niko is the pickiest eater I’ve ever come across in a dog. He gets bored easily. So we’re constantly changing his food, to keep dinner (and breakfast) interesting for him.

What do you do to spoil your animals? (I don’t really like it when my cat lays down on my pillow, but he doesn’t seem to care…)


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