How You Say In English?

animal lovers animal wisdom wisdom of animals Jul 16, 2024
Dog licking pony’s face

This past weekend, I taught an Intro to Animal Communication Class.

What fun! Except for our internet connection, which dropped at least half a dozen times, usually when I was waxing poetic about something or other - maybe it was my energy…

The people in the class were flexible and hung in there - which is pretty much the way you have to be when talking with animals, so it was definitely good training for that.

In September I’ll be doing an Intermediate/Advanced two-day class (yes, there is a prerequisite).

ANYONE can do what I do. Most people don’t want to, though. It’s hard work learning any skill, and one like this kind of defies what we’ve been taught since we were little - that the world is a certain way.


I am totally impressed with the people who attended my class. They nailed it when they talked with my animals, and confirmed for me some things I was wondering about without me even asking the question (that’s always fun). 

I love teaching people to be closer to their animal friends. And I love working with my own animals to make that happen. Thanks to Jackson, sassy boy extraordinaire, and Chancie-the-diva, for being such willing subjects and allowing so many voices into their heads.


Jackson buddying up to Ry (and Ry tolerating it)

There’s way more to pets than meets the eye - so suspend all that three-dimensional stuff you’ve been carrying around, and really pay attention to your animal friends behavior. They are our best teachers.


Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!

Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?

Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.

(AND you’ll receive my sparkly weekly blog posts right in your mailbox!)

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