Aug 27, 2024
This is no one’s favorite topic.
However, I’ve talked with a lot of clients lately whose animals are leaving the planet. Here’s something that happens a LOT.
You’ve consulted. You’ve agonized. You’ve talked to your animal communicator, your parents and your left elbow. Everyone is in agreement (including the animal, who is dragging around looking like “it’s about time.”) - it’s time to call in the vet.
You schedule the deed. In home is always preferred, since other family members with four legs or even fins can be present, but even if it’s a trip to the vet’s office, it can be made into a special event. You may have even had a party for your animal (some ask for that).
Suddenly, and without warning, a day and a half before you’re going to be saying goodbye, your animal friend rallies! They look brighter eyed; they have an appetite; they’re interested in what’s going on around them
“Oh no!” You think. “Have I made the wrong decision?”
You have NOT.
I’ve seen this when sending my own animals across the rainbow bridge, and this is how I interpret it - they are so grateful to be released from their ailing body that they have a surge of joy that makes it appear as though they are getting better. It typically doesn’t last very long, maybe a day or so.
If your animal is old, has been going downhill progressively for a long time, or has a terminal disease that has been sucking the very juices out of them, you’ve made the right choice to let them go. They are so grateful! They don’t want to suffer, and they don’t want you to suffer, second-guessing yourselves.
Animals have a lot easier time letting go of their body than we humans do. They know it’s merely a vehicle for their soul, and they know they can go to the New Soul Vehicle lot and pick up another one easily, when and if they want to.
So enjoy that last surge of energy from your animal friend. Know how precious you are to them, and how they are so joyful to be moving on. Have a party. Give them the forbidden food. And hold their devotion to you close as they close their eyes (on this life) for the last time. You have done exactly the right thing.
Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!
Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?
Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.
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