Body Mind and Spirit
Mar 26, 2024
A couple of weekends ago, I attended the Body Mind Spirit Celebration (BMSE) in Denver as a reader. That means I sat at a table and talked to people and their animals during the event.
We live in the boonies in Colorado, on a dirt road. After a couple of weeks of beautiful weather, the day before the event was supposed to start we had a major snow storm. And I mean major. We probably had 12-15 inches of new snow. Other places had over two feet. The flakes flew.
Pike’s Peak, about 30 miles south of us, after the storm. Pretty, yes?
It’s very normal for this time of year. In Colorado, March comes in like a Lion and leaves like a Boa Constrictor. It can be vicious, and it’s the time of year we get most of our moisture, so we’re always happy for snow.
Except - it did make getting to the BMSE a bit of a challenge. The fact that we’re on a secondary road and it didn’t get plowed until Saturday was another detriment. Luckily, the winds were generous and we didn’t end up with a five foot drift across the road. My sure-footed Subaru (Natasha), our resident car-mouse Rex and I traversed the dreadful half mile to the first paved road, and from there it was good sailing. It took longer to remove the snow in front of our gate than it did to travel the rest of the way to the venue.
But I was late. I didn’t do my speech, which was at 1pm on Friday, at the opening of the show. I set up the table amidst a lot of other folks setting up their booths.
The booth, complete with furry friends. (The cat stayed in my room at night).
Friday was slow. No surprise, most people were suspicious of the roads and didn’t want to get stuck. (I can’t tell you how many ditch-bound cars I passed on the way to BMSE - from the day before.)
Crookshanks keeps me company at the hotel. No WAY I was driving home in the dark on Friday!
Saturday and Sunday were crazy busy, and it was so much FUN to talk to all the people who stopped by my table. I’m so grateful they chose to hang out with me for a little while and tell me about their animals, both living and passed. There was enough interest in me doing another Zoom Animal Communication training that I’ll be offering one in May. AND we had a winner of a free 30-minute phone animal communication session. The winner is
You should have gotten an email, Krystal. I’m looking forward to talking with you and your animals!
It always amazes me how tied to their humans our animals are. You’d think after 25+ years doing this work it would become passe, but nooooooo. It’s always a surprise, and always fascinating. I had a session with a woman and her daughter and discovered her daughter is the same being who inhabited a dog body when mom was a child - that was a first!
I’ve always said if I can imagine it, it can happen. The Universe is an amazing place, always ready to stretch me a little further. I love it.
So welcome to all the new people to this mailing list, and I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I enjoy writing them!
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