Black Cats
Aug 06, 2024
Black cats rule.
All you superstitious people need to get over this right now. Black cats are magical. They blend in. They’re easy to see in the snow.
We’ve had a number of black cats - all black, mostly black, and all of them incredible.
There was Aloysius of the panther ears. I mean, look at his ears. They’re rounded, like a panther. He was so awesome.
Our miniature panther, Aloysius
There was Lynkx, who wore his black tuxedo with total aplomb, even when he lived in the barn. Never a button lost, never a piece of fur out of place.
Tote that bale. Lynkx assists with hay management.
And there was Morpheus, who went his own way and had the most amazing amber eyes.
If I had a license, I could drive this rig.
Then there were the two black working cats we got, who lived in our barn until a month after their arrival. We gave them an exit - and they exited, never to return. They didn’t like each other very much. Pro tip - make sure if you get two working cats they’ll tolerate being in the same space. As big as our barn is, it wasn’t big enough for those two. We don’t know if it was because they were both girls (and very territorial), or if they just wanted to be freeeeeeeee.
Now we’ve had a visitor to our barn. Since Killer the wild bunny seems to have forgotten her duties as mouse wrangler, this is a good thing. We think he came from our neighbors next door, who have several barn cats. When their old ones passed on they got a couple more from the working cat program at a local rescue (same place we got ours). In a strange twist of serendipity, their working cats are also black. And they don’t like each other.
One has integrated very nicely into the neighbors’ barn. He gets along with the other resident cats, and has found his place.
Not so black cat number two. He wants nothing to do with other cats. He beat up one of the older cats. He’s a wanker and a loner. Sounds great for our situation.
Glenn saw him one day on top of our hay bales. Of course the cat immediately hid when a human came in. After consultation with our neighbors, who are relieved at him finding a new home, we’ve set out food and are hoping he decides to make our barn his permanent residence.
He’s black. Glenn says he looks like our guy Morpheus (and probably has the attitude as well). We’re calling him Morty. We hope he stays a long time.
If he ever sits still long enough for a picture, we’ll do another blog and let you know how Morty is getting along.
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