Black Cat in the Barn!

black cats cat cat wisdom Oct 08, 2024

I have no pictures of the black cat. We did see him, however.

He hid behind his sleeping crate and peeked out to see when the humans would leave - and hopefully put some food in his bowl.

He sleeps in the crate, or at least has tamped down the straw.

Last night I put out a humane trap (because this dude needs to be neutered!), with it set up so it won’t spring, and I put his food bowl inside.

Video shows he went inside. YAY!! 

We’ll keep it like that for maybe a week, with the bowl going further and further inside, and when the time is right (like I can get him in someplace for a neuter), we’ll set the trap so it will spring.

I’m working with an animal communication student, so we talked with the cat today. I call him Freddie. We told him he can have any name he wants. He’s stunned that anyone would allow him to choose a name of his own. He’s never had a name. He thought Jax was nice. We told him if that’s what he wants, that’s what we’ll call him; however, there is a cat that lives in the house whose name is Jackson.

Jackson. Not to be confused with Freddie/Jax.

Freddie/Jax is going to rethink the name thing.

We also told him about the neutering process, BUT he will be allowed to come and go from the barn has he pleases. We have no desire to make a lap cat out of him - he should be who he is. We are merely eliminating the kitten making apparatus. He was totally neutral about that. It was more important to him to have his freedom than to make kittens. 

I love this cat. I hope he stays forever. In and out of the barn as he pleases.


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