Animal Power

animal wisdom bodymindspirit power animals wisdom of animals Aug 13, 2024
Super Squirrel

I do a class now and then about our Power Animals. This blog is not about that (but you can keep it in your “bit bin” and if it sounds of interest to you, let me know and I’ll start a list of interested parties - it’s through Zoom).

I love inspirational card decks, and I’ve got several that have to do with animals. The latest is something called Animal Power Deck by Alyson Charles. It’s beautiful, and not only does each animal have something to say, there is an invocation you can do to have the animal work with you. Brilliant, Alyson, brilliant.


I’ve been picking a card every day, because it’s fun. So far I’ve been told to be vulnerable (eeeeee) by Porcupine, and twice Crow has told me to trust in transformation. Whatever that means. Trust, though. Buttons are being pushed!

Today I picked Raccoon. (An aside - in the Marvel movie universe, Rocket is my favorite character. For those of you who haven’t seen these movies, Rocket is a raccoon - although he hates being called that.)

Rocket (thanks to Marvel)

Racoon is all about removing our masks. In a way this is hilarious because friend Rocket has all sorts of masks he wears, the biggest one, to hide his beautiful heart, is the sassy-I-don’t-care-about-anything-but-blowing-things-up mask. 

We all have masks. Over the years I’ve discarded a number of them - I have to be the smartest person in the room was a big one for me. I’ve learned how to say “I don’t know” and even “I didn’t know that.” 

Raccoon spoke to me today - it says to consider your personal gifts, and remove masks that prevent that gift from shining through. Maybe your mom and dad wanted you to be an accountant, so you became one, but your true gift is creating art out of random pieces of paper that hit people right in the heart.


I worked in Information Technology for over 35 years. That’s about as far from Animal Communication as you can get. When I was finally able to embrace my love of animals and helping people through their animal friends, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Ahhhhhh. I could breathe.

What is your gift? Consider Raccoon, and the important things he has to say. Remove your mask. The real you is so interesting - no matter if you want to hit people’s hearts with random paper art, or bake cakes, or spend your day reading. Or be an accountant. When you do what you’ve been gifted to do, you change the world.

Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!

Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?

Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.

(AND you’ll receive my sparkly weekly blog posts right in your mailbox!)

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