A Furry Friend in Your Future
Apr 02, 2024
The bummer: animals live shorter lives than us.
The good thing: they teach us a ton when they’re with us, and if we have a good relationship with a being, they come back, sometimes for fun, sometimes to teach us more.
Here’s my philosophy (those of you who have heard this before, go get a cup of tea of something) - reincarnation is definitely a thing, and we travel through life with a lot of beings with whom we’ve made agreements before we even get here (and then promptly forget we made those agreements because really, what fun is knowing the end of the story? It’s the journey that’s important. Says the person who will often read the end of a book to see how it turns out - but I still enjoy the journey getting there!)
The latest iteration of my muse Harvey/AC/Isis/LiLi. This is LiLi, cat in a horse suit.
Many of you know about my muse - Harvey/AC/Isis/LiLi (and probably more, but those are the four who have had the most influence on my journey). The way this being showed up in my life has led me to where I am today, and I suspect we’ll have a lot more adventures before it’s all done this time around. If LiLi gets her way, I’ll be galloping her across our back field at some point - or maybe we’ll be so old that she’ll be content to trot. I could handle that.
So when you lose a heart animal, what happens? They do get to decide if they’re going to come back, and they get to choose what they’re going to be like. Depending upon where you are in your journey, they’ll make it really easy (Harvey/AC for me), or up the ante and have you stretch yourself a bit - Isis was a pistol, really showing me that the choices made were not mine to make; LiLi is even more challenging, from an energetic perspective.
A lot of people have asked me how they’ll know when their animal is back. It takes a combination of things we must be willing to do -
Listen - do they even want to come back? For this exercise, we’ll assume the answer is yes.
Be Open - they usually come back when you least expect it. You’ve learned to live without them. You’re not pining. Maybe you’ve even developed a relationship with them where you’re here and they’re on the other side of the veil, and it’s good - but not the same as having the furry body beside you. But you can live with it.
You might get a feeling it’s time to look. When Yin/Tolstoy decided to return, it was about six months or so from the time he had left his Tolstoy body, and I just had a feeling I should start looking. I did, asked some questions, too, about what he’d look like (notice he makes the choices), and then found him right where he said he’d be - I took one look at his picture on the rescue site and KNEW it was him.
Sometimes they’ll put themselves in front of you out of the clear blue. When Isis returned, I heard about some kittens through my mother-in-law. Unbeknownst to her, the kittens were less than two miles down the road from where we were living. I wasn’t looking. Isis presented the opportunity, and the moment I picked him up, at two days old, I knew it was him (although I had to convince myself, because I was still in the “you don’t look like what I want” phase of growth). It was like an arrow went through my heart.
Isis - notice his coloring is a lot like his next life, LiLi.
If you know an animal is coming back to you and want some confirmation, you can shoot me a text at 720-737-0495 and ask. I’ll answer free of charge. I’ll tell you this, though - if you think it’s your friend, and you’re asking for confirmation, it probably is. And you might not like the answer you get from me (along the lines of “What do YOU feel?” Seems mean, but if you’re certain enough to ask, trust me - you know the answer).
This is all pretty esoteric, but it’s been my experience if we go with what we feel, the right animal will come to us. It will be one that will fit our lifestyle and our needs. No border collies in an apartment with no “job”, for example. Your friend will be a dog that likes hanging around, and is happy going for a walk a couple times a day and cuddling the rest of the time.
Unless you’re supposed to learn something else, of course, in which case all bets are off.
Happy reunion!
Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!
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