About me

Hi, I’m Ashara! I can’t wait to help you put sparkle into the life you have with your animal friends.

I listen. To the hearts of all of the animals, and to the people who need to hear that their animals are concerned for their welfare and want them to be, well, better.

I've always had a deep connection with animals, and after a side trip into the practicalities of life (like a roof over our heads, and food for me and the animals), I finally found my true vocation. As an animal communicator, I have become the voice of those who seem mute but really have plenty to say. And when we're willing to listen, wow, are they vocal!

My approach to Animal Communication is a little bit different. It's seldom about Fluffy's kibble; the people who call me are typically experiencing something in their life that affects them, and by association it also affects their animal friends. Those animals are making it abundantly clear it's time for another perspective. My experience in Gestalt practices, and my ability to create experiments that don't blow up like that high school Chemistry class but instead have a life-changing ending, become a source of healing and growth for all with whom I work.

I teach other people to listen and have a published Children's Book (Let's Find Lucy!), articles in animal-centric magazines, and was a contributing writer to the Touched By A Horse Anthology.

I also write a weekly blog, Reflections from Harmony's Heart, where I wax sometimes poetically on a life surrounded by barking dogs, meowing cats, nickering horses, and the occasional wildlife visitor on the front deck. And oh, yes, the mice in the barn. (I wonder if they know how to make a ball gown?)

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PA, Washington State, USA

You flashed across my ind while walking yesterday and I realized how much you have taught me with self growth and wanted to extend a thank you.

Lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E!

Want to know how to lavish your animal friend with L-O-V-E, and make your relationship with them sparkly?

Get our free booklet, Lavish them with L-O-V-E, which will help your pets and you speak the same language. Follow the steps, and your pet will be bouncing around with joy as the sparkle comes to life.

(AND you’ll receive my sparkly weekly blog posts right in your mailbox!)


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